How to Prevent Sunstroke

How to Prevent Sunstroke

CC Sunscreencool tips, Desert, Health, Research, Tips & Tricks

For those of us living in Phoenix and surrounding areas, we acknowledge that it’s important to be aware of the sun. It can be hot and if we are not careful can even lead to sunstroke! What is Sunstroke? Sunstroke, also known as heat stroke, occurs when your body becomes so hot that it can start to cause bodily damage. …

Summer Party Ideas for Your Patio

3rd Party Pop Up

CC Sunscreencool tips, Family & Fun, Home Improvement, Summer, Tips & Tricks

An outdoor patio is a wonderful place to connect to the beautiful Sonoran Desert from the comfort of your backyard. With a comfortable setup, you can work, relax, and even meditate on your patio. The other excellent use of a patio is of course to entertain. Now that the days are getting hot nights are getting warm here are just …

Preparing Your Desert Backyard Garden

Preparing Your Desert Backyard Garden

CC Sunscreencool tips, Desert, Plant Life, Tips & Tricks

As May sets in, we start to feel the heat we are accustomed to living out here in the desert. Many of start running our air conditioning and drawing the blinds during the hottest hours of the day. Still many came to the desert because we love the climate and heat. If you have an outdoor patio or inground pool …

Outdoor Upgrades to Increase the Value of Your Home

Outdoor Upgrades to Increase the Value of Your Home

CC SunscreenHome Improvement, Tips & Tricks

The golden light, the sweeping views, the unique vegetation found only here, and the dry air are reasons many of us love the Sonoran Desert. Many find that a beautiful home is one in which the outdoor and the indoors relate to each other. If you love where you live then you want to feel connected to the outside here …

Window Desert Gardening Tips

Window Desert Gardening Tips

CC Sunscreencool tips, Desert, Tips & Tricks, Windows

Desert gardening can be a challenge! Our climate and hot sun can sabotage early plans for a lush showing of flowers or a hearty and giving vegetable garden. Many of us don’t have the space, however, a good solution for the home gardener who wants a little green in their life is to start a window garden. This is simply …

Backyard Holiday Party Ideas for Your Patio

Backyard Holiday Party Ideas for Your Patio

CC SunscreenClimate, Patio Shades, Tips & Tricks

There is just something wonderful about celebrating the holidays far away from the ice and cold. For one thing, for fall and winter gatherings, Southern Arizona is just about the perfect place to host outdoor holiday parties. Most years the temperature won’t drop too drastically, and the chance of rain is usually sparse. Even so, throwing an outdoor holiday party …

Caring for Your Upholstery

Caring for Your Upholstery

CC SunscreenTips & Tricks

Your home is a place you should be both proud of and completely comfortable in. Finding the right look and feel for the decor of your home has probably meant you’ve invested in furniture. From that perfect sectional sofa to your favorite reading chair, the comfort of your furniture relies on upholstery. Furniture and upholstery aren’t cheap, so it is …