Sunscreens for Window

If you’ve lived in Arizona for a long time, then you know how hot it can get at the height of the summer. The heat of the sun can take a toll on your home – particularly your cooling bill. It’s estimated that nearly 50% of the heat which enters your home does so through your windows. It’s beautiful to enjoy the natural light of the desert but at the height of the day, it can often feel like a greenhouse inside.

One of the most common solutions to let some of the light in while keeping the heat out is sunscreens. Sunscreens, often referred to as solar screens or privacy screens, are custom-made windows screens that cover your entire window to reduce the sun’s solar rays and heat before it even has a chance to hit your windows and enter your home. Let’s explore some of the many benefits of installing sunscreens in your home.

Energy Efficiency

Do your cooling bills seem like they continue to keep rising? Installing CC Sunscreens on your outdoor windows are an affordable and effective way to increase your home’s energy efficiency. With the addition of sunscreens to all of your sun-struck windows, you can save up to 25% on your cooling bill. Enjoy a cooler indoor temperature without putting stress on your AC unit.

Block Out UV Rays

Part of living in the desert is protecting yourself from UV rays. Those who are exposed to UV rays are at greater risk for skin cancer and this includes inside and outside. Our sunscreens also have the ability to block out up to 90% of the sun’s harmful UV rays. If you spend all your time indoors you may think you are safe from the sun’s UV rays; however, if you spend time close to a window, you are still at risk. While the primary sunburn rays, called UVB, are blocked out by glass, more than 50 percent of UVA rays, the main cause of premature skin aging, can penetrate glass. As long as you are within several feet of a sunlit window, UVA rays can reach you. In addition to protecting your skin, UV rays can also damage your carpeting, flooring, and furniture causing colors to fade and materials to become frail and subject to breakage. Protect your health and your belongings with outdoor sunscreens for windows.

Net Wire Screen

Block out the Glare

When you are working or relaxing inside, sometimes it’s nice to take a break from the glare of the sun. Even so when the windows are open and sometimes even when the shades are drawn, the unrelenting glare of the sun still shines through. This can make it difficult to work on the computer or watch TV. With the installation of sunscreens on all your sun-facing windows you can enjoy a break from the sun and work or relax with full visibility no matter the time of day.

Added Privacy

Do you live in a neighborhood or city and are looking for an easy way to reduce visibility inside your home during the day? If you need a quick solution to keep your home life private, sunscreens are a sure investment. Sunscreens can let the light in and help you to enjoy your view while making sure you feel safe and private in your home.

Long Hair Cat Looking out Screen

Enjoy Light and Style

CC sunscreens not only reduce the desert heat against your home and save on your energy bill, but they offer style and curb appeal as well. Available in many different colors and opacities, sunscreens add value to your home at an affordable price. We can fit outdoor window screens to any custom size, including arches and sliding doors. Sunscreens allow soft light in your home without feeling the full effect of the sun.

Find Out What Sunscreens for Window Have to Offer

If you are looking for an affordable and attractive way to enhance your home, sunscreens for your windows can help you get there. Enjoy a reduced energy bill, less damage to your belongings from the sun, decreased harmful UV rays all in a stylish and practical solution. Contact us for a free estimate and we can help you find increased potential in your home.