Arizona, known for its scorching temperatures and relentless sun, presents a unique challenge for those seeking relief from the sweltering heat. While staying hydrated and seeking shade are essential strategies, there’s another powerful tool in your arsenal: sunscreen. In this blog post, we’ll explore why sunscreens are a crucial weapon in the battle against the Arizona heat and how they …
Creating a Stunning Backyard Oasis in Arizona Late Summer
Late summer in Arizona can be quite challenging due to scorching temperatures. However, with the right planning and design, you can transform your backyard into an oasis of tranquility and comfort. In this guide, we will explore various strategies to create a stunning backyard oasis in Arizona during late summer, offering you a respite from the heat and a place …
Home Improvements for your Desert Home
The new year is right around the corner and for many, this means it’s time to make some commitments to better your life. Beyond committing to a regular exercise routine, connecting more with family, and improving your diet, an investment in your home is one that will not only add to your daily comfort, but can cut down on your …
Explore these Arizona Pumpkin Patches this October!
October is here and with the relief in the heat we experience a moment to spend more time outside. In the spirit of the season, it’s no doubt you’ll be wanting to get out and surround yourself in a sea of pumpkins. Many people think because the Arizona climate is so different from the seasons normalized in the east of …
Is it Time to Update Your Window Screens?
When thinking about home renovation, visions of granite countertops or kitchen backsplashes might dance through your head, however, replacing your outdated window screens might prove to be a more cost-effective and important renovation. In general, home improvements make your living space more enjoyable and increase your property value when you go to sell your home. We’ve compiled a list of …
Brexit Could Be Good News for Arizona Real Estate Markets
What’s Brexit? In case you haven’t heard, on June 23rd, a referendum was held in the United Kingdom asking citizens to vote on whether the country should exit or remain in the European Union (EU). Shockingly, Britons voted to leave the EU. Unsurprisingly, this immediately threw global markets into turmoil, as the uncertainty of the decision made international investors more …
Which Patio Furniture is Best in Arizona Sun: The Cushions
Which Cushions are Best in the Sun? In a recent blog post, we discussed the pros and cons of various patio furniture materials in regards to withstanding our extreme Arizona weather. While the furniture base is extremely important, the cushions and pillows we place on top of them take an even greater beating from our Arizona weather. When cushions rip …
How to Select a Sunscreen for Summer
Temperatures have been soaring for weeks, the kids are out of school, and the bikinis are coming out. While most Arizonians are relatively sun-savvy and wear sunscreen regularly, you might not know that not all sunscreen brands or types are equally effective, even if they show the same SPF level. Some sunscreens even contain harmful additives and chemicals. We’ve compiled …
Why Sunscreens and Patio Shades Make the Perfect Father’s Day Gift
Father’s Day is just around the corner and there’s only so many times you can expect your dear husband or dad to fake a smile while he pulls out yet another tie or set of golf tees. While many men appreciate a good tool set, enough is enough already! Why not give your husband or father a gift he will …