Every New Year arrives full of possibilities. The changing year gives us a sense of a fresh start and a time to make improvements to our lives. You may feel that this time, things are really going to be different and nothing will stop you from accomplishing your goals. Now that January is here, it’s time to take action. You …
New Year’s Eve Traditions Around the World
Out with the old, in with the new! As 2018 winds down, it’s time to prepare for the new year ahead. What does the future hold? Many cultures have traditions that mark the start of the New Year where it’s time to begin on the right foot. While here in the US we pop champagne and make a list of …
Weekend Trip: Monument Valley
Here in central Arizona, every road leads to an incredible adventure. From a day in Tombstone to a camping trip at the Grand Canyon, Arizona has an astounding scope of natural wonder on display. If you’re looking for a weekend trip that’s a little off the beaten path, consider heading out to Monument Valley. Monument Valley Tribal Park is part …
Exploring Southwest Cooking this Thanksgiving
The Thanksgiving holiday is a time to gather and celebrate with family and friends. More than any other day of the year, Thanksgiving centers around sharing a meal, a feast that comes with a long list of traditional favorites from cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie to the main event: a turkey. Thanksgiving trends come and go, but over the past …
Why Doesn’t AZ Observe Daylight-Saving Time?
Feels great to be back on Standard Time, doesn’t it? Oh wait – here in Arizona, we never left! While the rest of the nation time travelled last weekend to an hour in the past, Arizonans stayed the course, avoiding the kerfuffle of “falling back” only to “spring forward” six months later. This past Daylight Savings Time weekend marks the …